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Striking a Balance: A Holistic Approach to Divorce


a family of three hiking in Colorado rocky mountains, an example of holistic approach to divorce
Is there such a thing as a holistic approach to divorce?

Divorce is never an easy journey, and when children are involved, it becomes even more complex. It is important to understand that you are attempting to create balance during a very tumultuous time.

Understanding and addressing the wishes of both parents is crucial to achieving a resolution that honors the well-being of the entire family. This approach goes beyond legal obligations, emphasizing emotional, psychological, and relational harmony. It may seem odd to use a holistic approach to a legal problem, but Domestic Relations is a bit different from other types of law and may require a deeper understanding of where conflict is coming from and how best to address it. 

What Are Parents' Wishes in Divorce?

Parents' wishes in divorce encompass their desires and preferences regarding various aspects of the divorce process and the future family dynamics. Regardless of how well you know the other person you may not fully understand their preferences as it relates to parenting. It may have been one way when you were parenting together but now, we are creating a new co-parenting arrangement that has its own problems and logistics to deal with. The areas that can cause problems often include:

  1. Custody and Parenting Time: Parents may have specific wishes about how custody should be shared and how parenting time is divided. This includes considerations of daily routines, holiday schedules, and special occasions.

  2. Living Arrangements: Decisions about where each parent will live and how close or far apart those homes will be can significantly impact the family dynamic. Parents may have preferences based on proximity to schools, workplaces, or extended family.

  3. Child-Rearing Practices: Each parent may have distinct ideas about education, discipline, religious upbringing, and extracurricular activities. These wishes reflect their values and beliefs about what is best for their child.

  4. Financial Arrangements: Financial considerations, such as child support, alimony, and division of assets, are often intertwined with parents' wishes. A holistic approach considers not only the financial needs but also the emotional implications of these decisions.

  5. Communication and Co-Parenting: How parents will communicate and collaborate post-divorce is a crucial aspect of their wishes. This includes establishing boundaries, creating co-parenting plans, and deciding on methods for conflict resolution.

Balancing Parents' Wishes with a Holistic Approach

A holistic approach to family law acknowledges that parents' wishes are not merely legal positions but expressions of deeper emotional and psychological needs. In my experience I have found that if you are able to facilitate a process that honors these wishes and seeks out a mindful balance; the entire family benefits. It can seem impossible to get to this collaborative, mutually respectful place when you are in the middle of a very contentious process. Sometime we need to be reminded of the basic tools of constructive communication: 

  1. Mindful Listening: The first step in addressing parents' wishes is to truly listen. This means creating a safe, non-judgmental space where both parents can express their desires openly. Mindful listening helps uncover the underlying emotions and motivations behind each wish.

  2. Emphasizing Empathy: In the heat of divorce, it’s easy for parents to become entrenched in their positions. A holistic mediator encourages empathy, helping each parent understand and appreciate the other’s perspective. This empathy can pave the way for more collaborative and compassionate decision-making.

  3. Focusing on the Best Interests of the Family: While each parent's wishes are important, the ultimate goal is to create a plan that serves the best interests of the family as a whole. This involves balancing the needs and desires of both parents with the well-being of the children.

  4. Encouraging Flexibility and Compromise: A holistic approach recognizes that flexibility is key to finding a solution that works for everyone. This may mean encouraging parents to compromise on certain wishes in exchange for a more harmonious overall arrangement.

  5. Integrating Emotional and Practical Considerations: Parents' wishes often stem from both practical concerns (such as logistics and finances) and emotional needs (such as the desire for stability or connection). A holistic approach attempts to integrate these considerations, ensuring that the final agreement addresses both heart and mind.

The Role of Mindful Balance in Mediation

Mindful balance in family law mediation is about more than just splitting the difference between parents' wishes. It’s about creating a path forward that honors the dignity, needs, and values of everyone involved. This balance is achieved through:

  • Creating a Collaborative Atmosphere: Parenting should feel like a partnership, not a battle. By fostering collaboration, we can move from adversarial positions to shared goals.

  • Prioritizing Emotional Well-Being: Divorce is an emotional process, and those emotions need to be acknowledged and addressed. By prioritizing emotional well-being, we can help parents make decisions that are not only rational but also healing.

  • Supporting Long-Term Harmony: The decisions made during divorce will affect the family for years to come. Mindful balance means creating agreements that support long-term harmony, not just short-term solutions.


A Holistic approach to family law may sound odd or impossible to you at the moment. The parties may not be ready. In the midst of a contentious battle for your rights as a parent, where you are fending off all the slings and arrows that are coming at you, it is difficult to consider the other side’s feelings. I am merely presenting the option of approaching the complexities of divorce with a mindful approach that respects the other side’s wishes while fostering balance and harmony. By listening deeply, encouraging empathy, and integrating both emotional and practical considerations, we can create outcomes that honor the entire family. In the end, the most successful divorce is one that not only resolves conflicts but also lays the foundation for a peaceful and cooperative future.

If you are navigating a divorce and want to explore a more balanced and mindful approach, we are here to help. Let’s work together to create a path forward that honors your wishes and supports the well-being of your entire family.

*This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Individuals involved should consult with legal professionals for specific guidance tailored to their circumstances.


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